Polyethylene fibers are produced by chain polymerization of ethylene. Polyethylene is a plastic that is very common in everyday life and is mainly used for packaging. By modifying the polymers, individual PE fibers can be produced, making polyethylene a versatile, durable material. The properties of PE can be adapted from its typical plastic character to waxy, fatty and oily depending on the production process. Our PE fibres are cross-linked by a special process. The degree of cross-linking can be individually adjusted so that the fibres have different degrees of heat stability and viscosity.
Our polyethylene fibers are heat resistant and chemically resistant to acids, alkalis, salts and a variety of solvents. Depending on the degree of cross-linking, polyethylene fibres are used in various areas. The most common use is as packaging, with these properties PE is also used as film, tarpaulin and e.g. for refuse sacks. PE fibres with mechanically harder loading properties are used for hollow bodies such as bottles, pipes and cables. Polyethylene, which is even more mechanically resistant, is used for wear parts, as it has low abrasion and high scratch resistance.
Our PE fibres can be individually developed and manufactured for you, depending on the field of application. Properties such as creep resistance, low temperature impact strength and stress crack resistance can be substantially modified. Hardness and stiffness can also be individually adapted. Especially due to the modification possibilities of PE, we can consider special requirements for you in the field of temperature resistance and elasticity. The connection to foreign materials is also possible through our technical possibilities and our know-how.
André Bäumer
Tel.: +49 (0) 52 42 – 595-110
Fax: +49 (0) 52 42 – 595-210
Mail: andre.baeumer@baumhueter.de