Polypropylene fibres

Our polypropylene fibres - effective special fibres for the construction industry

Baumhueter extrusion GmbH has been one of the leading specialists in the production of thermoplastics since the 1960s. We manufacture polypropylene fibres by extrusion under pressure in the desired lengths and cross-sections. We have developed our PB Eurofiber and PB Eurofiber HPR products for use in the construction industry. These special fibres are characterised by their special physical, chemical and mechanical qualities. They are resistant to acids and bases, corrosion-free, antistatic and have excellent mixing properties.

Application and Effect of PB Eurofiber Functional Fibers

We can supply you with polypropylene fibres with which you can improve the properties of your concrete mixes, paints and sealing compounds. Concretes with functional fibres significantly reduce early shrinkage cracks. In addition, these building materials achieve uniform strength values and have a high mechanical resistance. They also make it more difficult for moisture to penetrate the concrete. The areas of application for concrete-fiber mixtures are diverse, ranging from screeds and industrial floors to precast concrete elements.

Safety in the event of fire with polypropylene fibres

Our innovative, patented special fibre PB Eurofiber HPR makes an indispensable contribution to optimum fire protection. In the molten state, it achieves a significantly higher flowability than conventional plastic fibers. When there is a fire, microchannels are quickly formed thanks to this fibre, which dissipate the water vapour from the concrete. The functional fibre is used, among other things, in tunnel construction or for refractory concretes. The material is inexpensive and easy to process. The required fire protection can already be achieved with 50-70% less fibre than with conventional PP fibres. We will be pleased to advise you on our polypropylene fibres and send you a current overview of the products. Reliable delivery is a matter of course for us.

Contact Person

André Bäumer

Tel.: +49 (0) 52 42 – 595-110
Fax: +49 (0) 52 42 – 595-210
Mail: andre.baeumer@baumhueter.de

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All information and data in this brochure are provided without engagement. We recommend evaluation of product suitability by appropriate testing before use.

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