Special fibres

Innovative and high-quality fibers for the construction industry

With our modern extruders, we produce a wide range of high-performance special fibers for the construction industry. Our customers mix these fibres into different building materials such as concrete and paints and then reliably ensure that the respective material is held together. Depending on the type of product, they also perform other functions such as increased fire protection. We offer three standard types of specialty fibers for the construction industry: multifilament fibers, spliced film fibers and film fibers. These three types differ in their properties: multi-filament fibers are characterized by high elongation at break and film fibers by high tensile strength. All relevant data can be found on our homepage, customer-specific solutions can be discussed directly with our employees.

The performance characteristics of our special fibers

All our construction fibers convince with functionality at a low weight, at the same time the fibers can be mixed in optimally. The resistance to numerous external hazards is also worth mentioning: the special fibers are fire-resistant, for example, and in the event of a fire there are no immediate spalling points on the concrete. They are chemically resistant to acids, alkalis, salts and many solvents. They are also corrosion-free and antistatic. These properties firstly guarantee safety and secondly save building owners the need for timely renovation measures.

The application: Numerous possibilities

Our special fibers for the construction industry are used in numerous construction projects of various kinds: In addition to house construction, our customers use the fibers for special challenges such as building construction and civil engineering. Specifically, they use our products for concrete and precast concrete elements, screeds and industrial floors. Our fibers also provide valuable services for special technical applications. In cooperation with our experts, many customers also have us produce individual fibers for them.

Contact Person

André Bäumer

Tel.: +49 (0) 52 42 – 595-110
Fax: +49 (0) 52 42 – 595-210
Mail: andre.baeumer@baumhueter.de

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All information and data in this brochure are provided without engagement. We recommend evaluation of product suitability by appropriate testing before use.

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